Saturday, March 12, 2011

Why this Blog?

As you will find that in my bio, I  have been a property investor for a few years.  I  have learned that since statistic is available in the 1950, property price in UK has doubled every 7-10 years.  I  have personally experienced that the one residential property has I have acquired in the early 1980 has achieved  more that what the naioanal average achieved.  so the way is to take the plunge and do it, one at a time, because life is all about experience. I do not want to go through life regretting what I have  not done and have not  even tried.  I reckon that if I  do it small, step by step, then even if  something not going quite right, I will still be able to stay on top of it and make correction.
In term of investment, I always feel that bricks and mortor are  tangible, I can actually see it, touch it, feel it.
Just like everything else in life, not everyone like  to deal with  property,  it does have its own work and challenges and  I have my share of it too, but each time when  I am faced with  challenges , I just took it on, and do my best to solve the issues and it always work out, it may have taken a little longer and spent  more than I  expected, but it always work out in the end.
As I am so inspired by Donald Trump, the number one property man in my book, on 1.1.2011  I was suddenly inspired to created a blog on wordpress since I have become an expert on wordpress,  it is intended to inspired others , and  here  is the link  

and now I also learnt  blogger well, I have decided to create one in blogger too, hope this is helpful to others.
I  have also taken on the teaching of  creating sites on  wordpress and blogger  if  this is of any interest  to anyone.  Please feel free to contact me on  

My other sites are

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